A Cork man and a Kerry man were in a asylum. They both wanted to get out and asked the doctor if he could try them. The doctor agreed...

The Cork man entered the doctor office first. The doctor said I'm gonna ask you two very simple questions. If you answer correctly, you'll be free to go. -Right, said the Cork man. First question , if I burst one of your eyes. What would you be? -Well, said the Cork man, that's very simple, I'll be half-blind. -Good. And what if I burst the other eye? -Then I'll be blind. -Ok, you're free to go.

The Cork man went out and met the Kerry man. He was very anxious and asked him about the test. Well that's very simple, said the Cork man, he'll ask you two very simple questions and you just have to answer to the first "I'll be half blind" and to the second "I'll be fully blind". -Thanks so much, said the Kerry man and he entered the doctor's office.

The doctor said I'm gonna ask you two very simple questions. If you answer correctly, you'll be free to go. -Ok, said the Kerry man, I'm ready. -First question , if I cut one of your ears. What would you be? -Well, said the Kerry man without even thinking, that's very simple, I'll be half-blind. The doctor was quite surprised but he went on and what if I cut you the other ear? -Then I'll be fully blind answered the Kerry man directly.

The doctor was really puzzled and asked how did you figure that out? And the Kerry man answered if you cut me[1] ears, there won't be nothing to support me cap.

See, Kerry men are clever.


[1] For accent transcription purposes, "my" was replaced by "me".