There was these two guys in the train. They were the kind of men you don't want to have to ask anything. If it has been a movie, these would have been the bad guys. The bad and stupid guys.

The first one was tall, big and bold. He kept chewing a gum. He didn't talk, he grunted. The other one was bold, big and tall. He kept chewing a gum. He didn't talk, he gestured.

They both wore black pants and grey T-shirts. One had a tatoo on the right forearm. Number one had a big case. The biggest I had ever seen. Sized to put a corpse inside. Number two had a violin case. The kind of case people used to hide riffle in the old days.

As they didn't want anybody to spot them, they kept changing seats in the train. In twenty minutes, they tried respectively four and three seats.

I never looked at them directly. I'm not crazy. I used reflections in the glasses and very short glances...